Oct 10, 2007

8 blogging tips to increase traffic

- Nothing creates more traffic then valuable content, write good, concise and direct, first comes the content then the money,
remember the bloggers maximum "Content is King"
- Write a post about the 'Top Blogs' in your niche. It will rank high in any search engine.
- Submit articles to news sites, article sites and blog carnivals related to your niche.
- Visit big blogs about your niche and leave valuable comments and opinions.
- Be active, participate in forums, search for forums in your niche, leave a link in your sifgnature and be the first to participate
in high viewed discussions, engage a conversation in those discussions.
- Submit your site to design portals, visit forum designs and ask for some help in your design, try to get reviews and to participate in such communitys.
- Blogroll with big blogs (if you they accept), sometimes its good to pay for a link in a featured spot on a high traffic blog about your niche.
- Blog-buzz.com , try it, its a social blog community site, works like digg but more focused in blogs.


1 comment:

LaTease "Teasas Tips" said...

Here's another tip:

One of the things I talk about often is managing the content on your blog. It's the same as if you were managing content on your website, update often/frequently, keep it fresh and relevant, and your audience will find you.

Let's trade links--http://teasastipstechniques.blogspot.com